Procarton ECMA Award Winner 2011 | |
Official name of entry | Manufaktur Schokolade 80g |
Carton producer | Hammer Lübeck Faltschachtelwerk |
Brand Owner | Wagner Pralinen GmbH |
Structural Designer | Hammer GmbH |
Graphic Designer | Michael Derpmann Atelier für visuelle Medien |
Cartonboard manufacturer | Sappi |
Cartonboard grade | GZ 1 Algro Design 300 g |
Feel the emotion of exceptional quality
Creating the link between emotional product presentation and a line of packaging where the high level of finish distinguishes it from other product
developments: those were the specifications for the new craft-manufactured choco- late look as defined by the Wagner Pralinen GmbH and to be fulfilled by designer Michael Derpmann and the Hammer company.
In line with the designer’s credo:
“I don’t want a carton, I want emotions you can feel“,
the close cooperation resulted in a product where the high level of finishing created a supreme individual brand look. The product is not only highly advanced in terms of finishing, but also in terms of functionality: in which type of packaging could the wafer-thin craft-manufactured chocolates be supplied safely? This challenge was solved by using high quality stable cartonboard and the design of the packaging. The results can be admired in selected
confectionary outlets and sold extremely well, so well in fact that repeat production is on the cards. It is also suitable for ”private label use“ with small production runs and customer-specific printing by using insert labels.
Text und Bild: Procarton ECMA Award 2011 (Seite 14)